Senior Persons Living Connected
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Chronic Condition Tool Kit

Every Wednesday From Wednesday July 6 to August 10, 2022 For adults living with chronic conditions or caregiver Join our free telephone health program and explore ways to take back control over your health Six-week program with 1 hour calls each week led by program facilitator in small groups...

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Tips for a Better Sleep for Older Adults and Seniors

Learn About: Sleep Hygiene Sleep Apnea Medications for Sleep Speakers: Angela Shi, RN, CCN, BScN Nurse/Clinic Manager Boyd Hao, PharmD, RPh, CDE Pharmacist For More Information or to Register:  Call Elsa Uy: 419-493-3333 ext.305 or EMAIL:  Please Register Before...

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Medication Safety for Older Adults and Seniors (Cantonese)

Learn About: Getting the most from your medication/ Safe medication use / Proper storage of medication and disposal of expired medicines / Answer your questions about your medication

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Safety & Fraud Prevention for Older Adults and Seniors

Learn About:   1. General Personal Safety for Seniors         2. Fraud Prevention Speaker:  Xiaobo (Bo) Li, Police Constable #9529 Crime Prevention / Community Relations, 42 Division, Toronto Police Service

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Diabetes Tool Kit

Dates: Every Wed from Feb 2 - Mar 9, 2022

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良好睡眠管理普通話ZOOM講座 /Sleep Well Via ZOOM in Mandarin

良好睡眠管理普通話ZOOM講座     內容: 睡眠衛生 睡眠衛生的重要 養成良好的睡眠衛生習慣 睡眠時間表 培養健康的日常習慣 臥室優化設置 睡眠呼吸暫停綜合癥(定義,誘發因素, 癥狀, 後果, 診斷及治療) 睡眠障礙治療藥理學:處方藥和非處方藥 日期:2021年11月4日(星期四) 時間:上午9:30-11:00 講員:Angela 石, 安省註冊護士, My Health Medical Center               Boyd 郝, 安省註冊藥劑師, My Health Medical Center  

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Powerful Tools for Caregivers

Dates: Oct 5 - Nov 9 (Tue), 2021 Regisration Required on or before Sep 30, 2021 To Register of For More Informantion: Call 1 866 971 5545

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