Senior Persons Living Connected
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Type 2 Diabetes Prevention (Cantonese)

Speaker: Ms. Lau, Nutritionist Ms. Xing, Registered Nurse   Learn about: What is Diabetes? What are some easy and effective strategies to prevent Type 2 Diabetes? What does healthy eating mean?

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Probiotics and Gut Health (Cantonese with Mandarin Interpretation)

Speaker: Hinson Ho, Registered Dietitian Learn About: How to choose the right probiotic Strategies to maintain optimal gut health Functions of probiotics Food sources of probiotics  

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Tax Benefits for Seniors

Learn About: Old Age Security benefits Disability Tax Credit GST/HST Credit Canada Caregiver Credit Frauds and Scams   Speaker: Canada Revenue Agency Representative

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Type 2 Diabetes Prevention (Cantonese/Mandarin) FIRST of four sessions

Nov 21, 28, Dec 5 & 12 (Thursdays) Learn About: What is diabetes? / Who are at risk? / What are its complications? / CANRISK tool / What is healthy eating? / What does Canada Food Guide Recommend? / Reading Food Labels Physical Activity / Ways to increase your activity level / Safety...

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Probiotics and Gut Health (Cantonese)

Learn About:  How to choose the right probiotic   Strategies to maintain optimal gut health   Functions of probiotics   Food sources of probiotics   Speaker: Hinson Ho, Registered Dietitian

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Safeguard Your Investments

Learn About: Overview of the Ontario Securities Commission’s roles and functions Tips to protect your investments and money Getting access to information to reach an informed decision Common types of frauds and scams  Other relevant or pertinent information that the public should know  ...

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Diabetes Prevention Program (Cantonese) - FIRST of SIX sessions

Type 2 Diabetes is a serious disease but it can be prevented. To register or for more information, please call: '416-493-3333   Oct28 - What is diabetes?    Who are at risks?   What are complications?   CANRISK individual assessment Nov 04 - What does healthy eating mean?What does Canadian Food...

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Type 2 Diabetes Prevention (Mandarin) FIRST of four sessions

Sep23 What is diabetes?Who are at risks?   How to assess our risks? What are complications? Sep30 - What does healthy eating mean?What does Canadian Food Guide Recommend? Oct7 - What are the benefits of regular physical activity? How to increase your activity level? Oct21 – What are...

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