Senior Persons Living Connected
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Chronic Pain Self-Management Program (SECOND of Six Sessions)

Second Session:Fitness & ExercisePacing Activity & RestUsing Mind to Manage SymptomsProblem Solving and Action PlanningRegistration on or before March 14, 2014.

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Chronic Pain Self-Management Program (FIRST of Six Sessions)

All six sessions must be attended.First Session:Overview of Self-ManagementDebunking Myths about PainWhat is Chronic Pain?Making an Action PlanRegistration on or before March 14, 2014.

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Diabetes Prevention - Third of Three Sessions

Learn About:How can taking small steps help you make positive changes?What are the health benefits of regular physical activity?What are some ways to increase your physical activity?What is the Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines for adults aged 18 - 64?

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Diabetes Prevention - Second of Three Sessions

Learn About:What is Canada's Food Guide and what does it recommend?How to make healthy choices based on Canada's Food Guide?

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Diabetes Prevention - First of Three Sessions

Join us for a free program for adults:What is Diabetes?What is the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes?What are the complications of diabetes?Who is at risk?What is your own risks of type 2 diabetes?How to prevent of delay type 2 diabetes?How to set SMART weekly goals?

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