Senior Persons Living Connected
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We can do this

COVID-19 Information for Tenants and Residents

St Paul’s L’Amoreaux Centre and St. Paul’s Terrace Seniors Residence provide accommodation and a safe environment for seniors who are capable of living independently in private self-contained apartments.

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St. Paul’s Terrace Open House

St. Paul’s Terrace Seniors Residence Open House April 18th - 23rd Life lease units starting at $328,000 Restaurant and hospitality services Access to Community Programs & Services 24-hour Security & Emergency Response Mandatory mask wearing and pre-screening in effect! For more...

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Word to your mother

Happy Mother’s Day

This Mother’s Day, all of us at SPLC would like to take a moment to recognize and honour the mothers in our community. As mothers, many of you have been the backbone for your family, passing on your guidance and advice, and sharing your compassion and support over the years. You instilled values...

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Keeping You Connected

Behind the scenes: Responding to COVID-19

As part of our commitment to be transparent and share as much information as possible regarding cases of COVID-19 in our buildings, we are sharing an update to let you know more about the tremendous work being done by our teams to support and protect seniors in our community. Please click here for...

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Stay home whenever possible

Temporary Building Closure

Effective March 17th we closed the Centre and Terrace buildings to visitors and restricted access to one entrance per building to only persons providing essential services.  The Centre and Terrace buildings are closed to all social visiting until further notice.

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Under construction notice

Driveway closure notice

The North-West driveway on Finch Avenue will be closed due to contruction on Friday, January 31, 2020 from 8am to 11am.   The North-East driveway will still be open for limited parking and drop-offs.  Entrance D (rear entrance/basement) and parking will only be accessible from the...

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Exterior Cladding with Facilities Team

St. Paul's L'Amoreaux Centre Completes Renovation For a Newly Updated Building

St. Paul's L'Amoreaux Centre is very pleased to share the news that the construction in our courtyard has been completed. Over the past five years there had been concerns of water leakage in the Centre building and poor insulation, which caused higher utility costs.

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Valentines Day Lunch

The Terrace Restaurant Celebrates Valentines Day

On February 14, 2019 the Terrace Restaurant held its annual Valentines Day celebration with a special lunch event. Flowers and chocolate have always been a staple of Valentines Day, so fittingly, restaurant goers were served Dutch chocolate cake for dessert and beautiful carnations were handed out...

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Tenant appreciation day performance

SPLC Celebrates Tenant Appreciation Day

For 40 years, the seniors of our community have been choosing St. Paul's L'Amoreaux Centre, and now Senior Persons Living Connected, with their care and housing. We are humbled and grateful for the trust placed in us. On January 30th 2019 we held our annual Tenant Appreciation Day to show the...

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The Terrace Restaurant hosts high-tea party!

The Food, Beverage and Hospitality team hosted a tea party for clients and tenants after receiving a

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