Senior Persons Living Connected
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Special Events

Canada Leads the way in Earth Hour 2008

Earth Hour was a huge global success! On Saturday, March 29, from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. people around the world turned out their lights for Earth Hour, sending a very strong message to our government, and governments around the world, that we need to take action on climate change now. Beginning in Tel...

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Tamils and Singhalese Celebrate New Year

Proudly wearing the mantle of the most multicultural city in the world means Torontonians are continuously in the process of learning about and living with the richness of cultural diversity. As a world class metropolis, we need to understand how ethnic holidays and observances are not only unique...

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Health Care Expo Showcases Breast Health and Nutrition Awareness

St. Paul’s L’Amoreaux Centre was pleased to participate in two major provincially-sponsored events this week, Celebrating Innovations in Health Care Expo and the Aging at Home Innovations Showcase April 22-23. Held at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, the expo and showcase are jointly hosted by...

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St. Paul's Awarded Community Grants

St. Paul’s is pleased to announce that it has received two New Horizons for Seniors grants funded by Human Resources and Social Development Canada. The Honourable Jim Karygiannis, M.P for Scarborough-Agincourt presented St. Paul’s staff, senior activists and community partners with two cheques from...

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Barriers to Breast Cancer Screening Removed

St. Paul’s L’Amoreaux Centre has received a two-year grant from the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation to provide breast cancer awareness, prevention, and early detection workshops in Scarborough.

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Volunteer Social Celebrates Friendship

In spite of the freezing temperatures, over 50 volunteers and clients attended St. Paul’s L’Amoreaux Centre’s annual Friendly Visiting Social Tea Saturday, December 15, 2007. The event was a chance for everyone to show their appreciation and celebrate the bonds of friendship between volunteers and...

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Accreditation Update

To better serve our community, clients, volunteers and staff, St. Paul’s is applying for accreditation from the Canadian Council on Health Services Accreditation. Accreditation is a very important recognition that shows we comply with national standards of health care delivery.

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St. Paul's Recognizes High School Volunteers

St. Paul’s Community Services for Seniors recognized the contributions of its high school volunteers with a BBQ and presentation of certificates on August 23, 2007. The summer students were fulfilling their community service hours as part of the Ministry of Education’s Community Involvement...

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Seniors Take A Walk in the Park

(Scarborough, ON): A chill, but beautiful day greeted walkers at Cedarbrook Park located at Markham Road and Lawrence. Walkers were there to participate in Walk in the Park sponsored by St. Paul’s L’Amoreaux Centre, Toronto Parks, Forestry, and Recreation, Toronto Heart Health Partnership and the...

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St. Paul's Celebrates Seniors' Month

Seniors have their very own month in which we can all celebrate, honour and recognize the uniqueness and rich experience of older adults. It’s important for us all to acknowledge the many positive contributions seniors make to their community every day.

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