Senior Persons Living Connected
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St. Paul's Celebrates 30 Years of Service to Seniors

Community services and housing provider, St. Paul’s L’Amoreaux Centre, celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. The agency’s 3 decades of service to the community will be celebrated over 2 days with an official ceremony for staff, volunteers, current and past board members and special guests on...

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Active Living Fair Attracts Hundreds

St. Paul’s L’Amoreaux Centre hosted its first Annual Active Living Fair on Saturday, October 4, 2008. Hundreds of older adults, seniors and caregivers attended the event which featured over 20 exhibitors from diverse fields and was sponsored by the Ontario Seniors’ Secretariat and the Older Adults...

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Residents Reach Century Mark

1908 was an exciting year—the Ford Model T was introduced, the first passenger flight in an airplane took off, Albert Einstein presented his quantum theory of light and, Mother’s Day was celebrated for the first time. 1908 was also the year Stella George and Eva Holland were born. Both women, St....

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Physical Activity Project Summary Report

The goal of the St. Paul’s Physical Activity Leadership Capacity Building Project is to address the physical inactivity among older adults and seniors aged fifty and over from the ethno cultural and low-income community in Scarborough through public education, leadership training, and creating a...

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Canada Leads the way in Earth Hour 2008

Earth Hour was a huge global success! On Saturday, March 29, from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. people around the world turned out their lights for Earth Hour, sending a very strong message to our government, and governments around the world, that we need to take action on climate change now. Beginning in Tel...

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Health Care Expo Showcases Breast Health and Nutrition Awareness

St. Paul’s L’Amoreaux Centre was pleased to participate in two major provincially-sponsored events this week, Celebrating Innovations in Health Care Expo and the Aging at Home Innovations Showcase April 22-23. Held at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, the expo and showcase are jointly hosted by...

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SPLC Receives Grant for Renovations

St. Paul’s was awarded a New Horizons grant for capital assistance. The grant is funded by Human Resources and Social Development Canada which also funded grants for Mandarin and Tamil Speaking Seniors Outreach and the S.A.L.T project.The grant will be used to replace flooring and tables in the...

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St. Paul's Staff Nominated for Nightingale Awards

We are pleased to announce two nurses from St. Paul’s L’Amoreaux Centre have been nominated for a Nightingale Award. Agnes Lau and Sherry Mok have each been nominated for the 2008 Nightingale Awards sponsored by the Toronto Star. The Nightingale Awards, named after famed 19th century nursing...

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St. Paul's Awarded Community Grants

St. Paul’s is pleased to announce that it has received two New Horizons for Seniors grants funded by Human Resources and Social Development Canada. The Honourable Jim Karygiannis, M.P for Scarborough-Agincourt presented St. Paul’s staff, senior activists and community partners with two cheques from...

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St. Paul's Earns Accreditation

St. Paul’s L’Amoreaux Centre is pleased to announce that we have received accreditation from the Canadian Council on Health Services Accreditation.

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