Senior Persons Living Connected
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Executive Director’s Message

We can do this

Posted on Jan 9, 2021 (Updated: Jan 22, 2021)

As we start the New Year in lockdown in a provincial State of Emergency, Senior Persons Living Connected (SPLC) recognizes this is a challenging time for all. We greatly appreciate the efforts each person in our community is taking to keep us all safe and well.

Currently, we know that many neighbourhoods in Scarborough are reporting high increases in new cases of COVID-19. The pandemic continues to disproportionately affect persons of colour and those living in lower income neighbourhoods in Scarborough.

Across the province, the rate of COVID-19 has been rapidly increasing and our hospital systems are being threatened. Our hospitals are close to being overwhelmed, and this impacts all of us who may require healthcare.

Now, more than ever, it is critical that we follow Public Health guidelines.

Public Health officials remind us that the best way to stay safe is to:

  • Stay home as often as we can
  • Keep our distance/stay apart from others who are not in our household
  • Wash our hands
  • Wear a mask when we are out of home

“The one thing COVID-19 really can’t endure is distance,” - Toronto’s Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Eileen de Villa.

In a recent press conference, Premier Ford noted common stories of people not wearing their masks, meeting friends and unknowingly becoming infected. Later, those people might sit down for dinner with parents or grandparents – and the virus spreads unknowingly.

Stories like this remind us all that even the people we know, including our family members, can become infected. None of us is immune to COVID-19.

But there is hope.

There is hope on the way in terms of vaccines. However, it will take time. Currently, vaccines are being prioritized for those in long-term care homes and healthcare workers – the need in those areas is tremendous.

That means, we must all do our part right now to continue protecting ourselves and one another.

Senior Persons Living Connected is here for you.

While this lockdown continues, SPLC is offering safe in-home help with personal care and essential needs, and food and hot meals delivery. Some seniors are experiencing new challenges during this long period of isolation. If this is true for someone you care about, we can help with remote friendly check-ins and assessments, and a wide range of support services.

It’s now more important than ever to stay social and active. Join our online and telephone programs for fun and interesting activities! You can find out what’s on for January on our events page.

If you aren’t comfortable using your computer devices or Zoom, let us help. Through our Seniors Active Living Centre, SPLC has been offering many different programs in various languages to help people get comfortable with technology. You can find information about these sessions on our Programs and Services page.

If you need help with connecting to these programs or finding the right one for you, call us at 416-493-3333. Please also read our updated Program and Services page to see what programs are currently available. 

Diane Duncan
Executive Director

COVID-19 Update  Program Changes Housing Info