Senior Persons Living Connected
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COVID-19 Information for Tenants and Residents

Directors Message COVID-19 Update  Program Changes

Updated January 14, 2021

St Paul’s L’Amoreaux Centre and St. Paul’s Terrace Seniors Residence provide accommodation and a safe environment for seniors who are capable of living independently in private self-contained apartments.

Normally, our tenants and residents are free to come and go, move around the building, participate in programs, or take meals in our restaurant. However, with the current State of Emergency, we are being told to only leave home for essential services, and to not spend time with people who are not living in our households. This is the law.

This means seniors should stay inside their apartments as much as possible.

This is an important time for each of us – staff, seniors and their families – to do our part to ensure the safety of one another. We are expected to maintain physical distancing – which includes inside our buildings.

We have all made sacrifices to protect each other for many months, and we know it’s difficult. We ask for your ongoing support and commitment to these measures. We can protect one another with our actions.

The health and safety of seniors remains our top priority.

In accordance with guidance from public health, below is a list of measures that SPLC has put in place.


Building restrictions

Due to the State of Emergency, our buildings are strictly closed to all visitors.

During this period, the only persons permitted to enter our buildings include those providing essential in-person services, such as personal care, pharmacy and food deliveries, urgent counselling and addictions support. All visitors are required to wear a mask and maintain physical distancing at all times.

Security will be monitoring to ensure these restrictions are followed.

Currently, there is limited access to both the Centre and Terrace buildings. All entrances except for the main entrance of each building is closed.

Our cleaning staff have increased the frequency of disinfection of surfaces in common areas in the building. We are regularly disinfecting high-touch surfaces, like door handles, elevator buttons, and washrooms.

Also, under the State of Emergency, you may notice fewer staff around our buildings. Following the advice of Ontario’s Public Health officials, staff have been directed to work from home unless it is otherwise essential.

Our restaurant

The Terrace Restaurant continues to safely deliver meals six days per week for lunch and dinner.

If you have questions regarding COVID-19, check out our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) below or call SPLC at 416-493-3333


COVID-19 FAQs for housing residents

SPLC has compiled information regarding COVID-19 and what it means for tenants. We will continue to update our FAQs as new information becomes available.

  • SPLC has delivery programs to support seniors in our community. Please see our update on Programs Helping Seniors Access Healthy Food.

  • From delicious Terrace Restaurant meals to fresh groceries, here are four easy ways to get food delivered right to your door. To register for any of these services, please call 416-493-3333 or email

    1. Have your meals delivered to your door from the Terrace Restaurant

      Our Terrace Restaurant is now delivering freshly prepared meals right to the door of tenants and residents. There are everyday options such as sandwiches and burgers, and we also have daily specials. Look for flavourful options that change weekly such as stir-fried shredded chicken with Chinese squash, chicken lentil stew, steamed fish fillet with black bean sauce, or braised oxtail with potato. All our meals are served with rice or mashed potato and tea or coffee. There is no delivery fee at this time for restaurant meals. To order, call 416-493-3333 extension 263
    2. Get your essentials from the Centre Shop

      The essentials you have counted on buying in the Centre Shop are still available through the Terrace Restaurant. Simply complete the weekly order form that is delivered to your door and we will call you when your items are ready within a few days.
    3. Have your groceries delivered by Senior Persons Living Connected (SPLC)

      SPLC has a delivery service for fresh groceries and medications. For a small fee, essential items are delivered to your door. To register for this service, please call 416-493-3333 or email
    4. Order Meals on Wheels

      Another option for meal delivery is through SPLC’s Meals on Wheels program. Through this program, our delivery staff bring nutritious hot and frozen meals right to you. Hot meals start at $7.50/per meal. To register for this service, please call 416-493-3333 or email


  • Yes. To prevent the spread of COVID-19 or minimize the risk of vulnerable populations getting COVID-19, Torontonians are being asked to stay home as much as possible.

  • Following the guidance of Canadian public health officials, self-quarantine upon return from travel is mandatory for 14 days. Quarantine is also required if a person has had close contact with someone who has or is presumed to have COVID-19, or if a person is feeling any symptoms of COVID-19, regardless of how mild the symptoms are.

    Public Health Canada describes quarantine as:

    • Staying at home and monitoring yourself for symptoms, even if mild
    • Avoiding contact with others to help prevent transmission of the virus at the earliest stage of illness
    • Practising physical (social) distancing in your home and community


  • When people do leave their apartments, public health officials advise you to maintain physical distance of at least two metres (6 feet). Inside our building, this means that people should not share an elevator with anyone they do not live with. Wearing a mask does not replace the need for physical distancing.

  • Members of our community are being asked to stay home as much as possible, but grocery stores and pharmacies remain open as essential services. However, to avoid having to go out for these essentials, many stores are offering delivery services.

    Where possible, we recommend that tenants and residents seek delivery services from retailers, call SPLC for support services, or ask for help from friends and family with essential errands. Many pharmacies are also offering delivery services.

    SPLC is also providing help with grocery shopping. Read more about SPLC delivery services designed to help seniors stay safe and well – and have access to fresh, healthy food.

    If you are unsure how to arrange for delivery, please call our Customer Service staff at 416-493-3333 for advice.

  • Public Health Canada recognizes the importance of Canadians being able to exercise and advises that if a person is not symptomatic or in quarantine, that walking outside is permitted, provided physical distance between people is maintained.

  • Restrictions to entering the building help limit visitors to only those who are providing essential services. A self-screener form is prominently available at the entrance for all visitors to complete before buzzing the senior they are visiting. Tenants and residents should not allow a visitor in who has symptoms or has travelled within 14 days.

  • Tenants and residents will have noticed that there are fewer SPLC staff present at the Centre. That’s because many of our staff are also following public health direction to work from home. Every employee coming into the building is required to fill out a screening form.