Senior Persons Living Connected
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Serenata Singers

Friday, April 26, 2019 - 7:30pm to 9:30pm

Enjoy the 43rd year of community singing by the Serenata Singers.This group consists of 62 members, all seniors from ages 60 to 104. The concert will feature folk songs from around the world along with guest artists who will also perform.

Ticket price - $20 - SPLC Recreation Member & $25 - SPLC Recreation Non member.

Show starts at 7:30 PM and ends at 9:00 PM

Ticket price + Transportation - $40 - SPLC Recreation Member & $45 - SPLC Recreation Non member.

Meet at  SPLC for 6:45 PM (Entrance B) , Departing time from SPLC 7:00 PM.

Arrival back at SPLC for 9:30 PM.

Register at CSR desk!



Korean Presbyterian Church, North York