SPLC’s Adult Day Program space, located at 3333 Finch Avenue East, has been renovated thanks to a grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF). The space is used by SPLC’s Adult Day Programs and by other community groups for things like caregiver support groups, technology and lifelong learning classes along with multicultural community kitchens and communal meals. Renovations to the space include installing non-slip flooring, an accessible sink and commercial dishwasher, improved lighting and signage (including Braille), replacing tables and chairs and other needed upgrades. These renovations have modernized the program space, made it more seniors-friendly and made it more accessible for those living with disabilities or dementia. The changes also help better support social gatherings and encourage participation in local community life, reducing the social isolation often faced by Scarborough’s low-income seniors who live alone and immigrant communities. Thank you to OTF for their generous support!