Senior Persons Living Connected
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Scarborough-Agincourt's Provincial Candidates Respond to SPLC Seniors

We can do this

Posted on May 26, 2022 (Updated: Jun 6, 2022)

Thank you to all candidates, participants and volunteers in SPLC’s virtual election Town Hall on May 18/22. We discussed seniors' issues, with questions posed by seniors. To watch again or see what you missed, check out the recording for each question!

The Format:

Eddie Cruz, SPLC volunteer, kindly hosted and moderated the Town Hall.  Three SPLC volunteers read out the 5 questions that were distilled to summarize the many questions that were submitted in advance by seniors.

Attendees heard responses from three candidates: Soo Wong, Ontario Liberal Party, who attended live; and written responses (read aloud by SPLC staff) from Donny Morgan, Ontario Party, and Benjamin Truong, New Democratic Party. 

The PC candidate, Aris Babikian, recorded his responses after the Town Hall and we have edited this into the recording on this page. 

The Questions:

Here are the important questions asked by seniors. Play the video following each question to hear the candidate responses.

  1. What will your party do to ensure that seniors can stay in their home as long as possible, enabling aging in place? 

  2. What will your party do to support caregivers/care-partners who are working hard to care for seniors, and enable them to age in place?

  3.  If elected, what will your party do to make housing for seniors affordable, both in terms of ownership and rental living.  Also, how does your party define affordability?

  4. What are your party’s plans to increase dental care for low income (those with less than $25k annual income) Ontarians?  

  5. What will your party do to improve Scarborough hospitals in terms of availability of care and quality of care to match or exceed downtown Toronto hospitals?


SPLC is committed to building inclusive communities where all seniors are connected to living their best possible life.  By holding this virtual election Town Hall, many seniors asked questions that matter to them and they connected with provincial candidates for Scarborough-Agincourt.