St Paul’s L’Amoreaux Centre held the annual Karaoke Group Singing and Fashion Show Luncheon event on April 29, 2011, Friday. The purpose of this event is to enrich the activities of the Recreation Department Karaoke Group, strengthen the social connections among the group members, and enable members to share their joyful and active life. This event also provides a great opportunity for members to showcase their passion and gifts for singing and music.
The Karaoke Group was established in 2001. During the ten years since, members have developed common interests and friendships. Currently, the group consists of more than sixty older adults and seniors. Since the it’s establishment, many successful activities have been held with high praise. The group’s meetings and events create fabulous platforms for lovers of the arts to share their skills and talents while entertaining one another.
This year, the members planned the Singing and Fashion Show Luncheon. More than 60 attendees were entertained by three hours of songs, dances, and a fashion show. Performers and participants enjoyed the excellent performances, delicious lunch, and social time.
The Karaoke Group meets every Friday. New members are always welcome. For more information or registration, please contact St Paul’s L’Amoreaux Centre at 416-493-3333.
聖保羅中心康樂部卡拉OK組於2011年04月29舉 辦卡拉OK組員歌唱及時裝表演周年午宴活動 。 活動的目的是為了豐富卡拉OK组活動,增強會員凝聚力,使與會長者的生活更加多姿多彩 同時給長者有更多的展示個人才藝的機會,並幫助長者建立健 康活躍的生活方式。
卡拉OK組已成立10年,現會員人數已超過60多人.卡拉OK组自開辦以來已經成功舉辦了多次這樣的活動,每次都獲得圓滿成功。並得到聖保羅中心和會員的 鼎立支持,反響熱烈。通過活動加強了會員之間交流和友誼, 並為一批藝術活動愛好者提供了自娛自樂, 一展才華的絕好機會.。
今年活動全部由我們的會員籌辦.60多人組成的歌唱唱團、舞蹈隊、時裝表演隊的長者朋友歡聚一堂,表演了丰富多彩的节目。一首首歌曲抒發了他們對生活的無 限熱愛,也展現了生活的真、善、美。輕盈的舞步,典雅的時裝將活動一次次推向高潮。精美的食物, 精彩的表演, 貼心的閑聊, 活動很快在歡聲笑語中結束, 但参加者仍覺意猶未盡。整个活动充满了喜乐气氛.
卡拉OK组每逢星期五聚会.欢迎新组员加入.欲 瞭 解 更 多 資 訊,請與聖堡羅中心聯絡,電話:416-493-3333