Senior Persons Living Connected
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Community Update

spring flowers

Posted on Apr 7, 2022 (Updated: Apr 20, 2022)

Spring is finally here! After a long, cold winter, SPLC is happy to help you put that spring in your step with in-person activities once again!

Take a look at what’s in store for you these upcoming months and join us for some fun!

  • Easter is around the corner and to celebrate, we’re holding a virtual event in English with some Tamil translation on April 14, from 3-4 pm. There will also be a Cantonese and Mandarin Easter celebration with some English translation that will be held in-person for up to 12 people and virtually for those who cannot attend in-person. Register here:
  • Get your body moving this spring with Tai Chi Chuan! Tai Chi is a slow and gentle exercise that can help seniors improve their balance, flexibility and strength by using slow, graceful movements while breathing deeply. Back by popular demand, this program is open for registration for seven sessions in April and May. For $35 per person with a max of 14 participants. Register here:
  • SPLC wants to wish you Puthāaṇdu vāazhthugal! Celebrate Tamil New Year with us on April 12, from 4:30-5:30 in-person for up to a maximum of 12 people, and virtually for those who wish to celebrate with us online. We hope the new year brings you prosperity and colorful kolams! Register here:
  • In June, you’ll have a say in who will be Ontario’s next provincial leader. As the June 2nd election approaches, SPLC is working on ideas to connect you with political candidates. Stay tuned!

Please note that all in-person activities will have a capacity of 75-100% depending on the program space, staffing capacity, ability for distancing, etc. Participants and staff are also expected to wear masks. As we slowly ease back into in-person programs, the safety of all in our community remains a top priority.