Senior Persons Living Connected
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Communities Across the Nation Thank Volunteers

Posted on Apr 16, 2008 (Updated: Mar 28, 2017)

Canadians are great philanthropists. They contribute to social causes not only with their money, but also their time. According to the Canadian Survey on Giving, Volunteering and Participating, 45% of the population, aged 15 years and older, volunteered their time to charities and other non-profit organizations. Volunteers provide essential services without which, many organizations would not be able to carry out their missions to serve the community.

In recognition of the tireless efforts of volunteers, St. Paul’s L’Amoreaux Centre will be joining thousands of non-profit organizations across Canada to celebrate National Volunteer Week April 27 to May 3. St. Paul’s will mark the occasion by holding its annual Volunteer Recognition Event on April 23 at the Shangri-La Convention Centre in Markham.

The list of invitees numbers nearly 450 volunteers, local politicians, special guests, and staff who will be on hand to work the event. St. Paul’s volunteers have contributed over 46,000 hours of service equivalent to 23 full time staff! Special acknowledgements go out to 14 volunteers who contributed over 1000 hours each. We are also thrilled to have the opportunity to honour 2 very special, long time volunteers who are both turning 100 years old.

St. Paul’s is extremely fortunate to have such a dedicated team of volunteers. On April 23, we are looking forward to celebrating these selfless individuals who give their work, time and compassion so generously to our organization and those they help.

St. Paul’s Volunteer Facts 2007

  • Total number of volunteers: 449
  • Total number of volunteers is equivalent to 23 full-time staff
  • Total number of hours: 46,350
  • Volunteers worked in 20 different positions
  • 33 students from high schools, colleges and universities volunteered during placement year
  • Approximately 164 new active volunteers were recruited in 2007
  • Mandarin and Tamil speaking seniors recruited to serve the needs of our multilingual clientele
  • 11 training sessions were offered throughout the year
  • 3 volunteers contributed over 1000 hours
  • 11 volunteers contributed over 500 hours
  • 138 people contributed over 100 hours
  • 20% of St. Paul’s residents are volunteers
  • 5 people volunteered over a span of 20 years
  • 2 volunteers turning 100 years old

National Volunteer Facts - Volunteer roles

Helping to organize and supervise activities -- 47%
Fundraising -- 46%
Serving on boards/committees -- 36%
Teaching, educating or mentoring -- 30%
Counseling and providing advice -- 26%
Collecting, serving or delivering food/goods -- 25%
Office work -- 25%
Volunteer driving -- 20%

Volunteers contributed almost 2 billion hours to organizations—the equivalent to 1 million full time jobs (Source: 2004 Canadian Survey on Giving, Volunteering and Participating)