Senior Persons Living Connected
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Active Living Fair

Saturday, September 27, 2014 - 10:00am to 2:00pm

Enjoy exhibits from Alzheimer Society of Toronto, CARP, Wellness Centre,

Scarborough Centre for Healthy Communities - Community Diabetes Program,

Hong Fook Mental Health Association, Philips Lifeline, Green Saver,

Toronto Hydro Home Assistance Program,  & …


          Visit booths to measure your blood pressure, or learn about healthy grocery shopping.


         Ask a Dietician, Pharmacist, or Nurse Practitioner questions about keeping healthy.

         Older adults, seniors, families and caregivers welcome!

Workshops (Light refreshment is provided)

10:15 – 11:00am   Tips on Active & Healthy Living   (Cantonese)

                               Dr. Jason Kwok

11:30 – 12:30pm   Diabetes Prevention & Management (English)

                               Nitin Aryal & Janny Wan, Certified Diabetes Educators

12:45 –  1:30pm   Exercise & Me (Mandarin)

                             Janet Law, Registered Physiotherapist/ Assistant Clinical Professor                       


      Exercises Demo -  11:00 - 11:20 a.m. Chair Tai Chi

             12:40 -  1:00 p.m. NIA Dance

                                      1:00 -  1:20 p.m.  Chair Yoga

                                      1:30  -  2:00 p.m. Tai Chi     

Harmony Village 3260 Sheppard Ave E
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