Senior Persons Living Connected
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Information Session

Cancer Prevention and Screening (Cantonese)

Learn about:Breast, Cervical and Colorectal HealthCancer risk factorsWays to reduce your riskCancer screening testsSpeaker: Helen Poon, Toronto Public Health Nurse

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Senior Drivers License Renewal

Find Out About:How does aging affect one’s ability to drive?What are the new testing requirements for those 80 years and older?What is the collision reporting process for those 70 years and older?What are some recent rules of the road?What are the trends and statistics for older drivers?Speaker:...

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Talk on Wills

Speaker: Brian D. Kwan, Barrister, Solicitor & Notary PublicWhat is a will?How and where to prepare our wills?When do people consider making wills?What are the benefits of having a will?

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Tamil Seniors Support Group

Are You a Tamil-speaking Senior who wants to join exercise classes, celebrate special events or attend health talks?Please Come and Join Us.

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Tamil Seniors Support Group

Are You a Tamil-speaking Senior who wants to join exercise classes, celebrate special events or attend health talks?Please Come and Join Us.

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Tamil Seniors Support Group

Are You a Tamil-speaking Senior who wants to join exercise classes, celebrate special events or attend health talks?Please Come and Join Us.

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Tamil Seniors Support Group

Are You a Tamil-speaking Senior who wants to join exercise classes, celebrate special events or attend health talks?Please Come and Join Us.

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