Senior Persons Living Connected
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Free Event

Pictionary via Zoom

 Get busy, meet new people and have a good laugh. This online game is a light hearted way to keep your mind busy and your spirits lifted.  Join us every other Tuesday's July 6th & 20th.  TIme: 2pm to 3pm via: zoom To register e-mail: or call: 416- 493-3333...

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Virtual Bridge (Internet Group BBO)

    Join our SPLC community of bridge players  in a wonderful internet group through BBO.  Make new friends and enjoy the game from the comfort of your own home.  To register or for more information please contact: Sukaina at (416) 493-3333 ext. 256 or email: sukaina@splc....

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認知障礙症基礎知識101普通話ZOOM講座/Dementia 101 Via ZOOM in Mandarin

認知障礙症基礎知識101     (普通話ZOOM講座) 內容: 辨別認知障礙癥於失智癥 辨別正常老化的跡象和認知障礙的警告徵兆 得知如何獲得診斷 辨識能減少大眾對失智癥歧視及偏見的方法 日期:2021年7月13日(星期二) 時間:下午4:00-5:00 講員:Julie Wong, 黃翠珊 , 教育部門主管              Education and Regional Support Lead,              Alzheimer Society of Toronto

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Cantonese Caregivers Support Group

Mondays, 2nd & 4th, 4:30pm-5:30pm

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Cantonese Caregivers Support Group

Mondays, 2nd & 4th, 4:30pm-5:30pm

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